Welcome to the "Children of a Common Mother"!
- Daylight Savings starts (03/07), St. Patrick's Day (03/17), Spring Starts (03/20), April Fool's (04/01) Easter (04/05)! U.S.A.
- St. Patrick's Day (03/17), Spring begins (03/20), Easter (04/05)! Canada
Bellingham Events:
1. St. Patrick's Day Parade (3/14), Dirty Dan Harris Festival (4/26).
Birch Bay
- No events planned in March, April.
- Wings over Water Birding Festival (3/13-15).
- No planned April events.
- Wings Over Water Birding Festival (3/13).
- No planned April events.
- Spring Craft and Antique Show (3/19-21)!
White Rock (B.C.):
- Semiahmoo Waters Edge Half Marathon & 10 km Road Race.
Other County:
1. None listed for March or April.
I hope you find this site useful. If you know of other community wide events in your city or community, please let me know by e-mailing me at mikethebusybee@gmail.com. This site will be updated monthly to reflect upcoming events for the following 2 months.
Thanks for stopping by!
Michael C. Smith
Mike The Busy Bee